Fasies sedimen Kuarter berpotensi likuifaksi Pesisir Kota Padang, Provinsi Sumatra Barat berdasarkan data inti bor dan CPTu

Prahara Iqbal, Adrin Tohari, Imam A. Sadisun, Dwiharso Nugroho


Kajian fasies dan sifat fisik sedimen Kuarter kaitannya dengan potensi likuifaksi di daerah Pesisir Kota Padang dan sekitarnya dilakukan dengan tujuan mendapatkan hubungan antara fasies dan karakteristik fisik sedimen Kuarter terhadap potensi likuifaksinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi inti bor dan pola kurva CPTu untuk menentukan fasies yang berkembang, analisis laboratorium, dan analisis potensi likuifaksi untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik setiap fasies. Berdasarkan asosiasi litologi, pengamatan pola kurva CPTu, analisis laboratorium, dan analisis potensi likuifaksi, terdapat tiga fasies yang berkembang di daerah penelitian dengan potensi likuifaksi yang berbeda. Fasies pasir fluvial memiliki potensi likuifaksi yang lebih tinggi daripada fasies pasir pematang pantai dan fasies lempung rawa, sedangkan fasies lempung rawa memiliki potensi likuifaksi yang paling rendah di antara fasies-fasies tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Fasies sedimen Kuarter, CPTu, Likuifaksi, Kota Padang

The study of Facies and physical property of Quaternary sediments and its relationship with liquefaction potential was conducted at the coastal area of Padang city, West Sumatra Province in order to get the relationship between facies and physical characteristics of the Quaternary sediments and its liquefaction potential. The method used are core and CPTu patterns observations to determine the developed facies, laboratory analysis, and liquefaction potential analysis to determine the physical characteristics of each facies. Based on lithological associations, CPTu pattern observations, laboratory analysis, and liquefaction potential analysis, there are three facies that develop at the research areas with different liquefaction potential. Fluvial sand facies has greater liquefaction potential than the beach ridge sand facies and marsh clay facies, while marsh clay facies has the smallest one among two facies.

Keyword: Facies and Quarternary sediments Kuarter, CPTu, liquefaction, city of Padang

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.34126/jlbg.v5i1.61


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